Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hierarchy of needs for Children with Special needs

I searched the Internet for what psychologists think as the hierarchy of needs of humans and below they say is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. 
Of course I don’t think the needs of Special needs children differ but I think it just differs in the order. 
Below is for me the hierarchy of needs for children with Special needs: 
For me, the highest priority in the needs of children with special needs is belongingness and love needs. 
First and foremost, they need to be completely and unconditionally loved by their family and friends.  Their disability should be completely accepted and understood by their loved ones. I believe this need to be first and foremost be addressed before any of their other needs. 
Also, I also believe that if this is addressed properly, it would be easy to address the other needs and or the other needs will unconsciously be addressed. 
Second is self actualization, each one of them like any other human being is unique and has different potential and needs to achieve that full potential. They need to achieve that too how little it might some seem compared to other non-special needs children. 
Third is the esteem needs, the need to be able to have a feeling of prestige and accomplishment. They need to feel useful and not someone that can be ignored. 
Fourth is their safety needs. They also need to feel safe and secure.  
Lastly are the physiological or the basic needs like food and water.   

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