Friday, January 13, 2017

True prosperity

True prosperity comes when you accept our bountiful birthright and the responsibility and the power that this entails.

Think, speak and act as if you are prosperous and you will impress the Universe to send you plenty

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Thursday, January 5, 2017

I Ching

So I watched Season 1 of The Man in The High Castle from my 1 week free trial subscription of Amazon Prime and was intrigued with I Ching. Since I am too lazy to study the ancient text, I found a website that can do an I Ching reading for you ( I tried it and below is an interesting reading it had for me:

Cast Hexagram:

36 - Thirty-Six

Ming I / Eclipsing the Light

Warmth and Light are swallowed by Deep Darkness:
The Superior Person shows his brilliance by keeping it veiled among the masses.

Stay true to your course, despite the visible obstacles ahead.


This time calls for a saintly effort to turn the other cheek.
You have been deliberately injured.
Going blow-for-blow will only escalate this war.
Abstain from vengeance.
Show all watching that you are above it.
Sidestep your aggressor's headlong charge, giving him the opportunity to fall on his face.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Keeping up with friends

I am not easily impressed as much as I do not easily make and keep acquaintances as friends. So when I got impressed with someone it usually is because any of the following reasons:
- you are extremely nice
- you are an independent thinker
- you don't care what people say or think about you
- you are confident but not arrogant
- you speak your mind
- you are not vain but you take good care of yourself
But when you only say those things just to impress other people or try to convince yourself, believe me, sooner or later, I will found out and I will drop you faster than a hot potato.Faster than you could ever imagine that you would not know what hit you.
Recently, I had the same exact experience with an acquaintance. She was so surprised on how fast I could change my mind that she asked around if something was wrong with me.
Initially, I was impressed with her. She rarely joins other people in the office pantry for chitchat and one time when one lady officemate teased her that she rarely joins the group, she quickly retorted, " do you have a problem with me?" . I smiled and said to myself, "Wow, that is one tough lady". But as days went by and in some twist of events we ended up spending more time together ( I actually forgot already what event triggered the two of "clicking" and eventually spending office breaks together) I realized that one incident was sort of a one in a lifetime event.

- you are extremely nice
I thought she was nice. It turns out she is not actually that nice. This is actually not the breaker for me. Unless you really are projecting an angelic or saintly persona then I am going to hate you for eternity.

- you are an independent thinker She isn't. Its okay to ask me from time to time for my opinion or what I will do. But if what you will eat for lunch or dinner depends on my mood, then we are going to have a problem. Initially, she was so proud that we don't consult each other if the other will be joining in a team activity or not but then later on, she would keep on telling me, not to join because she will not be joining. One time, she literally pulled me into a townhall meeting just because she wanted to get the free pizza.

- you don't care what people say or think about you This is one of my major deal breakers. If you become so obsessed with what other people will say or think about you, then I would definitely drop you. I don't have time for that kind of drama. We are not in high school that we have to gossip everytime the girl with the heavy makeup smirked at you or the girl who lived at a posh village actually has bad skin. Yeah, I am not perfect, I also like that kind of gossip from time to time. But if I have to hear it, every minute, everyday and you have to ask me why my status is "Busy"in the office messenger app, then you don't deserve my time.

- you are confident but not arrogant Another deal breaker. When you say that people don't have to flaunt their assets or tell other people about your accomplishments and yet when its your asset or accomplishments you proudly tell stories about it, then you need to slap your self hard.

- you speak your mind When you keep complaining to me but wouldn't tell the person concerned about it. Well, Ok, this one I am also guilty of.

- you are not vain but you take good care of yourself This one, I really really hated about her. She tells me constantly that she doesn't care about her lovelife anymore that the focus of her life is her daughter but she proudly:
     - talks about her office crush (she is separated from her husband). that she had to ask me to   observe how she behaves around him to make sure that it is not getting obvious
     - her weekend getaways with her friends and actually have the gall to tell me that she hates it when her daughter asks her if she can join them - complains that she no longer buys anything for herself
     - she uses a different shade of lipstick everyday but keeps on telling me she barely cares how she looks

So there, I don't have much demands. As long as you're honest with who you are, to me but more importantly to yourself then I wouldn't care if you are the devil's spawn.

Monday, January 2, 2017

No Space

If a cupboard is crammed full, nothing new can be put into it. If you hoard, whether it is money, clothes, ideas or old resentments, there is no space for new to come in. To allow new into your life you must let go of the old.

As soon as you throw away rubbish from your home the Law of Flow will emsure that something else takes its place. Its your choice whether you replace rubbiah with more rubbish or shift your consciousness to attract something better.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Law of Attention

The only thing that stops you manifesting your dreams is your doubt and fear. If you give 20% focus to what you want, you will achieve 20% of your dream. If you give 100% quality focus to the outcome that you want you will have a 100% outcome. The Law of Attention is exact.

Watch where you put your thoughts.

- Diana Cooper, A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws

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Day 17

Feom 40 days to a Joy filled life by Tommy Newberry - We do all sorts of silly things that fuel our negative emotions. As a result, we end...