Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What would Machiavelli do?

He would delegate all crummy tasks - except the ones he enjoys.

You don't have to be a powerful prince to start on the process of getting other people to do the stuff you don't want to do.

- from What would Machiavelli do? By Stanley Bing

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

No matter who you are

No matter how you are, where you come from, your race or religion, it is vital to have a higher power - something bigger than yourself that you can turn to for comfort. -Demi Lovato

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Saturday, December 26, 2015

What would Machiavelli do?

This is an important concept for obnoxious people: selective niceness. This guy considers himself to be nice in specific, but not in general, that is, he's nice to certain people when he wants to be, but most unpleasant and difficult the rest of the time. And he feels good about it.
- from What would Machiavelli do? By Stanley Bing

Friday, December 25, 2015

Treat yourself better than you do other people

posted from Bloggeroid

What would Machiavelli Do

Starting today, I will be posting line or lines from the book I am currently reading: What would Machiavelli do? by Stanley Bing.

Big people didn't get that way overnight. They started as human beings and then became horrible. You're going to have to put the pedal to the metal every day no matter how kind, small, soft or vulnerable you're feeling on a given issue. Don't worry. As you do it more, it will become easier, until you're a really despicable troll without even trying. At that moment, look around and see how well you're doing financially and professionally. You'll be amazed.

posted from Bloggeroid

Day 17

Feom 40 days to a Joy filled life by Tommy Newberry - We do all sorts of silly things that fuel our negative emotions. As a result, we end...