Thursday, March 5, 2015


I forgot the exact incident or details on what changed my attitude towards people who I found to be deceptive.
Before, what I used to do is tell other people incessantly that this guy or girl is this or that especially to people who like them. Or have not seen their so called "true colors". I was not able to control the urge to "badmouth" them. But that time, I don't consider it "badmouthing " since I know that it's the truth about them. I often end up observing that "decepticon" ( my euphemism for these "masked people"), pointing out their smallest mistakes or misgivings, to the point that I become stalkers, and obsessed in exposing them to others. But since I was not letting other people learn from themselves  about the deception, I ended up being tagged as a gossiper, jealous, envious, insecure, or worse a backstabber.
Then I realized, it's better to keep quiet about it and just be grateful that you found out about that person's true colors and let other people discover the truth by themselves. I might sometimes drop a slight honest comment or observation  but would move on and not dwell on proving it. Or most of the time, offer a faint smile in response to someone baiting me to give a comment.

Abraham Lincoln was quoted with this: " you may deceive all the people part of the time and part of the people all the time but not all people all the time."

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