Cool! I now have my own blog. Got this idea from my instructor in one of my trainings. It was a training related to my current work (which by the way is not related to writing). The suggestion was brought up by my instructor thru one of his introduction questions: "where/what would you be if you were not in I.T?"This is actually a common question we encounter in most of the company trainings. My common answer would be, "I would be writing, preferably special features for a popular broadsheet or magazine".
I admit that I am not that perfect in English grammar, in fact, I am trying my best to improve. It's just that I love to write (or type) what I think or do research for a special topic. I remember that when I was quite young (I was in late gradeschool or early high school I think) that I used to fold a blank sheet of bond paper into two, and write my own articles as if making my own newspaper. I used to have personal journals and diaries too. But I stopped during my college years because there is where my mother always caught me who my current boyfriend is or what are my grudges and frustations. More often than not, the confrontation was unpleasant.
I tried being a writer in our school paper in high school. Although the school paper was short lived, of the 3 issues it had, I wrote the 3 headline stories but was only acknowledged as a contributor (grudge!).
When I was in college, even as a freshman, I tried to join the UP Collegian, the qualifying exam was not difficult but long. Although I was not selected, I believe I know the reason why I was not chose. There was one question there (you have to answer all questions in essay form) which goes someting like... "do you believe that there are gays/lesbians in hell?" instead of focusing on the question, I remembered that I just focused on my assumption that the author of the questionnaire was gay/lesbian. Yes, those were the times I was insensitive or just plain stupid. No, I'm not homophobic, I like gay people. I have gay friends. In fact, in college, I have one lesbian friend and one gay friend in the same barkada. Until now, we have communication. Although the lesbian has already married a guy (no, not the gay friend) so technically, she should be straight.
Back in college, I love it when professors ask us to do research on a specific topic. I love looking for the right reference book and reading trivial things and have the opportunity to share them with others. I remembered I have "weird" elective subjects like, "cultural history of the philippines" or "the sociology of education". I was dying to take the course "sociology of religion" bakc then, because it was one of the famous/infamous (depending on the your perspective on religion) and was taught by a priest from Ateneo. But it was always the first subject in the sociology department that closes because the slots were filled up like hot pancakes! And the department's priority for enlistment are the Socio Majors.
I wanted to take up a course like that in college but due to financial reasons I have to choose one that promises good income right after college. (but that did not happen for me as soon as expected).
My friends know that I have a passion for writing and that I might excel in it. In fact during my second year in college (when I was having problems with Math 17 :), hell, it was Algebra and Trigonometry squeezed into one sem), one friend of mine told me to consider shifting to Creative Writing or to European languages or English (you study American and English literature). I was tempted to but did not. Again, because for financial reasons. But for European languages (I was told that you can have great income with this since you can work for (european) foreign embassies as an interpreter, I was "scared" that I would get expelled from the University as this course has a high grade retention policy.
So now, I ended up working for an IT company and typing this post. Yes, there were may gaps in my "stories" there. I will try to fill them up with my next posts. To my friends and to those who might get a chance to read this, feel free to post your comments. Thanks!
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