Friday, December 30, 2016

He made me do it

The problem is that people say ' he made me do it' or 'she made me lose my temper'. It is as if they have absolutely no control over their behaviour. Once again, if we do not have a part to play in how we behave then we would be completely stick, unable to move forward, learn or do anything useful.
- from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy by Avy Joseph

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Emotional responsibility

Believing that the past, or a particular situation or person, causes our feelings today, means that no one would be ever be able to move forward or to change. We would all be totally stuck without any possibility or hope of ever changing anything. We would be slaves to the things that had happened to us or the people we had been involved with.
- from Cognitive Behavior Therapy by Avy Joseph

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Sunday, December 11, 2016


Have the courage to let a thought slip by and not chase after it.

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Least significant

Be aware of our interdependence with everything and everyone. Even your smallest, least significant thought, word, or action ripples throughout the universe.

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Day 17

Feom 40 days to a Joy filled life by Tommy Newberry - We do all sorts of silly things that fuel our negative emotions. As a result, we end...