This is similar to the knight in shining armor attitude of some men. There are quite a number of films made based on this theme, wherein a man saves or rescues a woman from "despair". Most children's fairytales are like that, only a man can save the girl from her long sleep, cruel stepmother or from the tower. The movie "Pretty Woman" is also an example although that was not the man's plan at first, but that's what made the story charming right?
There is female counterpart to that knight shining armor, women who like "bad boys", because whether they admit it or not, they believe they can change that man and eventually wear that badge of honor as "the woman who changed him". Fifty shades of grey?
Another version I know is someone who gives "false" power. I am sure psychologists have a special term for these kind of people of which I am yet to find out. They lead you on, making you feel that you can make your own decisions and "supports" you on whatever you decide on but they wait for that opportune moment to come in and show everyone that they know better that everything you were actually doing along the way is wrong (or not wrong but here's a better way, as what they would usually say). And they do this so nonchalantly that you have no way to prove that was their plan all along. Thus, if you try to share your observations to others you end up looking as the jealous one, or paranoid or worst, simply incompetent.
For this last kind of people, I believe there's a special place in hell for them since they have already enjoyed all the praises and glory here on earth.